Women Leaders of Tomorrow testifies before the House of Commons Special Committee on Afghanistan

Click on the following link to watch the full presentation: https://parlvu.parl.gc.ca/Harmony/en/PowerBrowser/PowerBrowserV2?fk=11561967

The founder and the Executive Director of Women Leaders of Tomorrow has appeared before the Special Committee at the House of Commons on March 28th, 2022.

She stressed on the issues and urgency of Afghan female athletes’ evacuation, student visa and study permits for those students who have received full ride scholarship offers & acceptance letters from universities in the Canada.

WLOT believes in the power of advocacy, social justice and and Human Rights.


Sports have been a way of life for Afghan women. Life is light and light will always find it’s way out in darkness. WLOT’s GOAL project is proud of our Judoka @LatifaMuradi who is training tirelessly to save the legacy of Judo alive in Afghanistan.

Thank you #Japan for your kindness & solidarity for standing with Afghan women in our darkest hour. #Afg@Paris2024

2022 IWD

This International Women’s Day, members and partners of Women Leaders of Tomorrow hosted a rally to stand with women in Afghanistan in Vancouver. We stood to ask for our rights back, rights to education, peace and work. The international community needs to the same to prioritize Human Rights and women’s.

We want #FoodWork&Freedom Beacon of Hope for Afghan Children #Judoforpeace #GOAL #BOH #WLOT

رهبری دختران افغانستان – ردا!

WLOT will be Participating at Crisis in Afghanistan at UBC hosted by bc4Afghans and Global Lounge

The Executive Director of Women Leaders of Tomorrow will be joining a panel discussion about Crisis in Afghanistan on February 15th, 2022 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at @UBC on International Development week. A prominent and successful journalist from Hasht-e-Subh newspaper Sohail Sanjar will be joining her.
Join BC 4 Afghans at UBC and Global Lounge to learn about your role as a global citizen, and how can you help Afghanistan in our darkest hour.

Evacuate the Afghan female athletes from the persecution of the Taliban now!

Dear Human Rights women’s rights supporters. Women Leaders of Tomorrow along with our partner organizations have started an online public petition to ask the Canadian government to honor the promise to evacuate the at high risk Afghan female athletes into safety ASAP. Please sign the petition and show that you care about Afghan women! #StandWithAfghanWomen

Sign here: https://chng.it/68cqfFptzM


Afghan girls train, and we train hard. We dream and we dream victory. We fall, then we get up, we fail then we succeed, we get pushed back then we move fast forward. We’re the girls of Afghanistan and we lead!
Judo Canada @JudoBC @IOC IJF – International Judo Federation @JudoFrance
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Winter Food and Basic Supplies Appeal for the Afghan families in Afghanistan!

Women Leaders of Tomorrow is putting together basic winter supply packages and food fundraiser for Afghan families in partnership with Aces & Eights. Details are at the attached poster!

Donate today and save a family in the harsh winter of Afghanistan!

DONATE HERE!!! https://donorbox.org/women-leaders-of-tomorrow-in-afghanistan and or https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=K5JJG9JEBA9JU

Crofton House’s Support for WLOT

A big thank you to @CroftonHouse for inspiring solidarity for Afghan women and girls’ education for Women Leaders of Tomorrow. The students also made signs with the message #walkwithafghanwomen #WeStandwithAfghanWomen and #GOAL #WLOT, as well as packed care packages for the newly arrived Afghan refugee families. Such an advocacy could revive hope and end this dark era for women and girls in Afghanistan. Did you know that 5 million girls are out of school? It has been 80 days since girls are prevented from getting an education.

Children’s books!

A child should have always the peace, comfort and home to read books. Not being airlifted by the military airplanes into safety in an emergency evacuation situation. But we are grateful that this little guy’s family is safe and starting a new life in Canada.

Thank you for your gracious children’s books, and school supplies donations to the newly arrived Afghan refugee families. Women Leaders of Tomorrow along with our community partner The Odd Squad Productions Society (OSP) have been collecting various kinds of donations for the Afghan families. You can still donate housewares, winter clothes/shoes, sewing supplies, and irons. Please contact us at donations@womenleaders.ca  anytime. Or if you have a question, please contact us at info@womenleaders.ca. With sincere appreciation💕🇦🇫🇨🇦 @CroftonHouse

Press release: Canada – Honour the Promise – Help to evacuate Afghan female athletes to safety

Hello members and supporters of WLOT,

Please see the attached letter I sent to Prime Minister Trudeau today, along with our press release, and letter to Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Mr. Sean Fraser concerning the extreme danger female athletes in Afghanistan face under the Taliban regime.
This press release concerns the role Canada needs to play in terms of evacuating them and providing them visas immediately. Signatories to this letter include the Canadian gold medal winning Soccer team from the 2020 Summer Olympics and numerous other notable athletes and public figures.

Should you have any questions regarding this campaign, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Call for Applications – WUSC

Hello folks,

Women Leaders of Tomorrow’s partner organization WUSC has recently launched Call for Applications for the Student Refugee Program in Pakistan. The Afghan refugee students are encouraged to apply. For further details please check below and or send an email to info@womenleaders.ca.

[Call for applications in Pakistan!] WUSC invites suitably qualified candidates based in Pakistan to apply for the Student Refugee Program (SRP). Find the Call for Application here: http://bit.ly/2S8kUfk–

-[L’EUMC invite les candidats qualifiés basés au Pakistan à poser leur candidature pour le Programme d’étudiants et d’étudiants réfugiés (PER). Trouvez l’appel à candidature ici: http://bit.ly/2S8kUfkThe Student Refugee Program (SRP) is a unique program that combines resettlement to Canada with access to post-secondary education for young refugees.srp.wusc.caPotential Sponsored Students – Student Refugee ProgramThe Student Refugee Program (SRP) is a unique program that combines resettlement to Canada with access to post-secondary education for young refugees.The Student Refugee Program (SRP) is a unique program that combines resettlement to Canada with access to post-secondary education for young refugees.

Judo family!

Judo means respect and friendship. The bond between people of Afghanistan and Uzbekistan is strong. We are all one big Judo family! 💕🥋

Afghanistan aims for Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

رهبری دختران افغانستان – راد!

Friba Rezayee Speaking on Remembrance Day at UBC

The ED of Women Leaders of Tomorrow was invited to speak at UBC War Memorial Gym on November 11 Remembrance day. The Afghan women and all Afghans thank the Canadian military services in Afghanistan. She ended her speech by saying “Let the value and legacy of democracy, human rights, and freedom live forever” #LestWeForget 🇦🇫🇨🇦♥️ You can watch and listen her full speech at 👉 https://events.ubc.ca/ubc-remembers/

Afghan girls’ education and sport were discussed at Crofton House Vancouver

The ED of Women Leaders of Tomorrow spoke about the importance of girls’ education, and sport and why that it is imperative to act now in Afghanistan at Crofton House in Vancouver. Everyone respected the fact that education is a human rights and human rights are universal.

The Crofton House also organized the 45 minutes walk with the following hashtags #WalkWithAfghanWomen #WLOT #GOAL #GirlsOfAfghanistanLead they are generously doanted care packages to the newly arrived Afghan refugee families 💕 Thank you!

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