Thank you Lululemon!
The Afghan girls Judo team is giving a big shout-out to the #Lululemon company for donating women’s sports wear for them. Thank you #Lululemon for your generous donations and supporting the #AfghanWomensJudoteam from the beginning the #GOAL program in 2019!Their message says ‘We are very thankful for Lululemon for supporting Afghan girls’ Judo team’The products have arrived safely in Afghanistan and has been distributed among the girls. They’re very happy. They can train with confidence now! Thank you from Afghanistan! #GirlsofAfghaniatanLead رهبری دختران افغانستان – راد!アフガニスタンの女子柔道チームは、女性のスポーツウェアを寄付してくれた#Lululemon社に大声で叫んでいます。寛大な寄付と2019年の#GOALプログラムの最初から#AfghanWomensJudoteamをサポートしてくれた#Lululemonに感謝します!彼らのメッセージには、「アフガニスタンの女の子の柔道チームをサポートしてくれたLululemonにとても感謝しています」と書かれています。製品は無事にアフガニスタンに到着し、女の子たちに配布されました。彼らはとても幸せです。彼らは今自信を持って訓練することができます!アフガニスタンからありがとう!
Dear folks, Women Leaders of Tomorrow’s sub-project the #GOAL initiative which stands for Girls of Afghanistan Lead along with my story will be aired on #AsahiTV in Japan on Sunday. Please stay tuned!
Judo sports has been indeed empowering and leading! #GOAL #GirlsofAfghanistanLead #Judo #NPOJudos #womenssports

We Stand Tall and Proud Regardless the Security Situation in the Country
We work hard, train hard, and stand tall and proud regardless what is happening in the country. Learning must never stop no matter how bad the security situation is in the country! Thank you NPO Judos for your continues support to Afghanistan's women's Judo team! Sport is indeed empowering! 私たちは一生懸命働き、一生懸命訓練し、国で何が起こっているかに関係なく、背が高く、誇りに思っています。国の治安状況がどんなに悪くても、学習は決して止まらない! ما بدون توجه به آنچه در کشور اتفاق می افتد ، سخت کار می کنیم ، سخت تمرین می کنیم و قد بلند و سربلند می ایستیم. یادگیری هرگز نباید متوقف شود هر چقدر وضعیت امنیتی در کشور وخیم باشد! با تشکر از شما NPO Judos برای پشتیبانی مستمر شما از تیم جودو بانوان افغانستان! ورزش در واقع قدرت دهنده است アフガニスタンの女性柔道チームを引き続きご支援いただき、ありがとうございます。スポーツは確かに力を与えています
BBC Dari features the Afghan women Judo athletes!
Link to BBC Dari report:
Thank you BBC Dari for featuring Women Leaders of Tomorrow’s project GOAL!It’s time for us to lead! These videos will be ready with English subtitles soon too – stay tuned!با تشکر از شما بی بی سی دری برای نمایش رهبران زن در پروژه GOAL فردا!وقت آن است که ما رهبری کنیم! رهبری دختران افغانستان- ردا!明日の女性リーダーのプロジェクトGOALを特集してくれたBBCDariに感謝します!私たちがリードする時が来ました!#womenempowement#GenderEquality#GOAL
Did you know that Judo was introduced to Afghan women for the first time by a Norwegian diplomat and Olympic Judo athlete #StigTraavik in Afghanistan in 2002 through Judo for Fred nonprofit organization?
Did you know that Judo was introduced to Afghan women for the first time by a Norwegian diplomat and Olympic Judo athlete #StigTraavik in Afghanistan in 2002 through Judo for Fred nonprofit organization? Which means Judo for Peace. Stig is also the founder of #Judoforfred. JFF brings hope and guidance for life and success for children and women in war torn countries. They recently own the #IJFAward for their work. Their presence makes a significant difference in Afghan street children, youth and women’s present and future lives. There couldn’t be much deserving organization than them. Well-done JFF! The #GOAL initiative is very proud of call them a partner and collaborate to produce the future #AfghanJudoOlympians#GirlsofAfghanistanLead
IJF news article in Japanese language
The IJF news article about Women Leaders of Tomorrow and it’s sub-project the GOAL Judo initiative has been translated into Japanese language – Thank you #NPOJudos and #IJF!مقاله خبری IJF در مورد زنان رهبر فردا و پروژه فرعی آن GOAL جودو به زبان ژاپنی ترجمه شده است – تشکر #NPOJudos و #IJF#girlsofafghanistanlead#golf
Congratulations Judo for fred!
Much deserving award winner. Congratulations #Judoforfred or #winningtheIJFaward! Also, thank for bringing the light to the Afghan children in Afghanistan!#GOAL#girlsofafghanistanlead

The education and value of Judo
Very inspiring plus motivating. The education of Judo is every important for women’s Judo. “we mustn’t forget the value of education in Judo”. Lucie Decosse 非常に刺激的でやる気を起こさせます。柔道の教育は、女性の柔道にとって非常に重要です。 「柔道の教育の価値を忘れてはならない」。リュシ・デコスبسیار الهام بخش به علاوه انگیزه. تحصیلات جودو برای جودو زنان از اهمیت بسیاری برخوردار است. “ما نباید ارزش آموزش در جودو را فراموش کنیم”. لوسی دکوسهرهبری دختران افغانستان – ردا!#womeninjudo#empowerment#judoforfred#GOAL#girlsofafghanistanlead

Afghanistan Needs Women Leaders
An article by Nicolas Messner
“Judo is more than a sport. It is a philosophy that helps us to develop our mind and body to overcome difficulties in order to build a better society, as it was stated by Kano Jigoro Shihan, the founder of judo. The judo values have proven on many occasions that they can help communities to develop better living conditions through our moral code: courtesy, courage, friendship, honesty, honour, modesty, respect and self-control. The Judo for Afghan Women and Girls for the GOAL Judo initiative totally embraces those values and the judo motto ‘mutual welfare and benefit” Nicolas Messner
Friba Rezayee is a smily and dynamic young woman, living in Canada and graduated in Political Science from the University of British Columbia, but that was not always the case. The founder and lead programme coordinator of ‘Women Leaders of Tomorrow’ and its leadership in sports project ‘GOAL’ (Girls of Afghanistan Lead) was born and raised in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Looking for an English Language Tutor
Women Leaders of Tomorrow is looking for an English language tutor to hold conversation classes with the students whom are applying to US and or Canadian colleges and universities. The tutors will also practice English language with the girls from the Judo club.
- The duration of the classes are 60 minutes
- The classes are held two times a week
- Lesson plans are up to the tutors
- Classes format is conversation only
- Notes are recommended
- The classes are held at Kabul Afghanistan time zone (GMT+4:30)
- Sessions will be held via video chat apps, for instance, Google Meet, Messenger, Whatsapp and or Signal
If you are you interested in applying please send an email to
International Day of Human Rights Campaign
Today is International Day of Human Rights. The Women Leaders of Tomorrow along with it’s GOAL Judo initiative held an online event with international champions and guest speakers to highlight this important issue in Afghanistan. There is nothing more important than #security#ceasefire#protectionofwomensright and freedom to practice our rights. I urge you to speak with the policy makers, MPs and world leaders to protect human rights now! Please post #becausehumanrightsmatter on social media! رهبری دختران افغانستان – ردا!

Today is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women
Today is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. The GOAL initiative is a grass root women empowerment program. It helps women and girls to end gender based violence. The only way to assure that is to empower Afghan women and girls. You have the power to do that. By donating today at you will make sure that these girls will keep coming to their daily training, equally participating as men, have presence in the society as human beings, and eliminate culture of violence!
Empower Afghan Women Through Sport
Women Leaders of Tomorrow is hosting an online fundraiser for its GOAL initiative on December 10th on International Human Rights Day. The GOAL name stands for Girls of Afghanistan Lead. The funds are raised will be paid towards the daily cost of transportation for the Afghan women Judo athletes. There are exceptional guest speakers who will be speaking on the importance sports for women, and how it empowers them.
Yuki Yokosawa
She is the 2004 Athens Olympic Games silver medalist in Judo. She is currently serving as women’s coach in Canada.

Sami Smithson
She is an ex Great Britian Judo fighter who competed at numerous senior international tournaments achieving a bronze medal in both the US and Canadian Opens in 2002 and was part of the silver medal winning team in the European Team Championships in 2003. Sami served 18 years in the Royal Air Force and during this time was the coach and director of the UK Armed Forces judo team which boasted 6 international judoka across 4 different countries including 2 Olympians. In 2006, whilst serving with the coalition task force in Afghanistan, Sami assisted the Afghanistan Judo Team with some coaching of their teams and coaches to further develop their skills, she also spent time with local children within Project Aschiana and sourced equipment for the Afghanistan Judo Federation. Sami has maintained contact with her friends from the Afghanistan Judo Committee and would love to continue her support and partnership. She was reunited with Sensei Farhad in 2019 when they were both in attendance at the World Judo Championships in Tokyo. Sami has now retired from the Royal Air Force and has spent some time supporting judoka as an athlete mentor. She also teaches pilates and exercise rehabilitation in her local community.
Over the 28th/29th August 2006 in Kabul, Afghanistan; After seeing an article in ‘The World of Judo’ magazine about the state of judo in Afghanistan Flt Lt Sam Smithson decided she could help. As a former GB international, a qualified coach and the captain of the RAF ladies judo team she contacted the President of the Afghan Judo Federation, Zakaria Assadi, to ascertain what could be done. The result was a two-day training package in Kabul and the donation of 30 mats from the UK’s Royal Air Force (RAF) Judo Association and £2,000 worth of judo suits from Fighting Films, a UK-based martial arts equipment supplier.

Nigara Shaheen
She is an IJF Judo athlete. She has practiced Judo a at world-class level and has been competed at numerous world tournaments such as including at Asian games in Hong Kong 2017, Dusseldorf Grand Slam in Germany in 2020 and many more.

She is also currently studying to obtain her Master’s degree in Ekaterinburg Russia.Ms. Shaheen has also worked as a Public Relation person at the Ministry of Trades in Afghanistan.Join us to learn about sports in Afghanistan and also how it helps Afghan women to practice their human rights!Further information about our work, please look at our website at: can donate at the following link:…/empower-afghan-women…/donate
Judo means friendship, unity, sisterhood and cookies!
Judo means friendship, unity, sisterhood and cookies! The Judo girls are enjoying eating delicious snack after a long and hard training! Bon appetit! !نوش جان#GOAL#GirlsofAfghanistanLead رهبری دختران افغانستان-ردا
October 28th is World Judo Day
Today is October 28th. It’s #WorldJudoDay. On this day, the Afghan girls marks the power, impact and importance of Judo in their lives. The #GOAL initiative wishes to express their appreciation for the sports of Judo for shaping their lives in the best way possible, and empowering them. It gave them a reason & hope for life, the ability to over the gender inequality, and to be the best persons possible in the society.
Thank you to the friends of Afghanistan for supporting the Afghan Judo athletes! #NPO #Judos #Tokaiuniversity #Judoforpeace #Judoforfred #IJF #IOC #girlsofafghanistanlead #GOAL رهبری دختران افغانستان – ردا

Afghan girl athletes are contributing towards peace process
Afghan girl athletes are significantly contributing towards peace. They work hard every single day to assure they live in a peaceful community with their family, friends and community members. Afghan women are at crossroads with the peace talks. It’s a crucial time to support them and make sure we #NeverGoBack and #peace wins!
A special event was held at the Afghan National Olympic Committee just to recognize Afghan female athletes achievements through sports yesterday in Afghanistan.
#sportsforpeace#Judoforpeace#PeaceIsPossible#GOAL#GirlsofAfghanistanLead رهبری دختران افغانستان -ردا
Radio Azadi Interview
The Afghan Judo girls are shining! They were recently interviewed by Radio Azadi. The local media is proud to talk to them, showcase their hard work, fight for equality and achievements.
#GOAL is very proud -only the sky is the limit for them!
#GirlsofAfghanistanLead #رهبری دختران افغانستان (ردا)♥️???

International Day of the Girl
The #GOAL initiative shares our voices and campaign for celebrating the #InternationalDayofGirl in #Afghanistan with #Judo #Afggirlpower #support #empower #GirlsofAfghanistanLead
You are welcome to make a donation at
Because girls matter!