Women Leaders of Tomorrow provides guidance and mentorship to qualified young Afghan women. We work to match applicants with undergraduate university programs in the United States and Canada. The typical profile for a qualified applicant is as follows:
- Afghan citizen, residing either domestically in Afghanistan or as a refugee in neighbouring countries.
- High school graduate of Afghanistan’s Farsi / Pastho language education system, or graduate of an internationally recognized English language high school program in Iran, Pakistan, or India.
- TOEFL score and general verbal, written English language proficiency suitable for admission to a first year undergraduate liberal arts or science program.
- Highly motivated to improve their own education and economic circumstances.
WLT identifies freshly graduated qualified female students from high schools in Afghanistan. WLT processes the applications based on the students’ qualifications and interests. WLT interviews students and helps them prepare their required documents to potential universities. Our program does not directly provide scholarship funding, but rather seeks to match highly qualified and motivated applicants with universities.
WLT’s services include but are not limited to ensuring a complete college application for the student, focusing on her essays and personal statement, preparing them for college interviews, how and where to take the international standard English language proficiency tests TOEFL and IELTS. All of these services are provided at no cost to the student or their family.
Our university preparatory assistance services include English language conversation classes and tutoring.
For young Afghan women traveling outside of their home country for the first time, we provide mentorship, counseling and guidance on studying in North America. Our work in this area includes a wide variety of tasks assisting newly-arrived international students with the day to day realities of independent collegiate life.
Through our work to identify and assist qualified Afghan women, we form collaborative partnerships with the admissions departments of various universities and colleges throughout the US and Canada.
Our frequently asked questions page has further details about the scope of our work in the higher education sector.