“For me, summarizing my work with Women Leaders of Tomorrow is almost impossible. It was one of the most inspiring, educational and eye-opening experiences of my life and I’m so thankful for meeting Friba for the first time over a year ago! I learned to empathize, I spoke with girls who live on the other side of the world and I realized what a privilege it is for me to study freely without a second thought.Today I’m proud to say that I stand with Afghan girls—and so should you.”
Marina Musleh, a scholarship recipient of Women Leaders of Tomorrow at Shawnigan Lake School Impact Scholar going into her final year this fall, is acknowledged by the Club’s President Council for 2023-24. (l-r) Leslie Grills, Gay Wise, Marina and Hilary Abbott. Marina shared with the Club her difficult sole journey from war-torn Afghanistan through Pakistan and eventually to Shawnigan. An impressive young woman to watch as she plans to fight the Taliban with knowledge and education. Shawnigan Lake School.WLOT’s mandate is to empower Afghan women through education and sports. We are very proud of Marina Musleh! رهبری دختران افغانستان ردا!
Women Leaders of Tomorrow is grateful to Renia Tymniski for her incredible volunteering work with the English language training program and menorship. WLOT’s young female mentees have found her guidance life changing. Renia has been planting the seed of success in the young generation of Afghanistan.
Thank you for all your work & support. We proudly share her testimony below:
“I’ve had the opportunity of contributing to the language coaching program of Women Leaders of Tomorrow in various ways since May 2021. In the interim, the online mentoring of young Afghan women and girls by the volunteers from abroad has become even more significant. Being able to influence the future success of the two athletes I’ve been coaching has created new possibilities in all our lives.”– Renia Tyminski, Ph.D., Crosscultural Communications Trainer
On Thursday, December 22nd CBC News Network interviewed Habiba Nazari, a member of WLOT’s STEM cohort currently attending the University of British Columbia. On the day immediately following the Taliban’s decree absolutely banning all women from high schools and universities, she spoke about the urgent need for Canada and the international community to support women’s education in Afghanistan and Canadian scholarships for Afghan women. She additionally reiterated the position that Canada should apply whatever pressure is possible to force the Taliban to reverse this draconian policy.
On October 11th, Women Leaders of Tomorrow held another in its series of online Chai & Chat events to raise awareness about Afghan girls’ rights to education. Two amazing young Afghan women speakers, Khatira Daryabi and Manizha Azizi were invited to speak and share their stories. The audience found their stories inspiring.
These discussion are crucial to take place because child marriage is on the rise in Afghanistan. UN Women suggests having access to education is a key factor in preventing child marriages, and empowering women to develop their careers and join the economy.
Let’s us know if you’re interested in hosting a Chai & Chat to support WLOT! Send an email to info@womenleaders.ca for more details.
Thank you to the community for gathering in support of Afghan women and girls.
Women Leaders of Tomorrow is starting a new partnership with a new school in Canada. This time, WLOT is accepting applications for the STEM scholarship program.
The purpose of this partnership is to encourage women & girls in science. Also, this program will provide an opportunity for those Afghan women engineers who never had a chance to pursue education in this field.
This program is for high school, as well as college in Canada.
If you are qualified, please email us at info@womenleaders.ca. You can also refer an Afghan woman who is interested in this program.
If you have any questions, please visit WLOT’s Frequently Asked Questions page.
ABC Australia contacted Friba Rezayee, the founder and ED of WLOT for an interview with @TraceyLeeHolmesabout regarding the IOC’s negotiations with the Taliban.
Her stand has been clear from the beginning that the IOC must not recognize the Taliban because it violates the IOC’s Charter. The Taliban will not respect a 50/50 percent gender ratio. Afghan athletes should be allowed to participate and represent Afghanistan under the three coloured Afghan flag; not the Taliban’s black and white flag at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
Further more, she emphasized the importance of sports scholarships for the Afghan women’s Judo team. Listen to the interview and stand with women in Afghanistan. @iocmedia #IJF @GetUp&Fight Jean Kanokogi AnnMaria De Mars @IOCTwin Challenges for the IOC – Transgender Policies & Taliban Negotiations – ABCABC.NET.AUTwin Challenges for the IOC – Transgender Policies & Taliban Negotiations – ABC https://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/the-ticket
Chai & Chat is a platform where young Afghan women come and speak about their rights to education, showcase their art & talent and engage the North America community with Afghanistan.
Sakina is a 17 years old with extraordinary talent for art in Afghanistan. But she can’t practice it anymore because the Taliban have banned her art. She will present her art on August 14 at the Chai & Chat event. Please make sure that you register and don’t miss the chance to see her art.
A sample of her art is illustrated on the right side.
Women Leaders of Tomorrow’s scholarship recipient has been featured on the Globe and Mail today. Marina Musleh says “I want my country to have all freedoms, an opportunity for everyone.” Ms. Musleh previously attended Marefat High School, an internationally recognized institution on the outskirts of Kabul that championed freedom, democracy, and the rights of women and girls. However, when the Taliban took over the government, they immediately banned girls’ education past Grade 6.
WLOT invests in the youth of Afghanistan to rebuild the country and give women and girls access to education.
Women Leaders of Tomorrow’s founder and Executive Director was invited to attend the ground breaking ceremony of Samuel House for 8th grade students on the Shawnigan Lake School campus.
Following the ceremony, Friba Rezayee provided information about WLOT’s projects to the school’s board members and governors. She also thanked the Shawnigan Lake School for their generous contribution to Afghan girls’ education. 🎓🧕🇦🇫 Thank you for your partnership!
Friba Rezayee, the ED of WLOT speaking at Langara College on May 26th, 2022
Inspiring Stories of Resilience.
On Thursday, May 26, 2022, we held a fundraising event to officially launch a year-long campaign to raise $250,000 to help oppressed individuals reach their dreams and potential through education.
From the war in Yemen to the recent war in Ukraine, it’s clear that there is a need for humanitarian help for those in trouble and who seek an opportunity for a better life. We heard from our keynote speaker Shakila Zareen, a survivor of domestic abuse and child marriage. Learn more about Shakila and her story.
Across the globe, there are women like Shakila Zareen who dream of escaping war, conflict, poverty and societal pressures to pursue an education and a better life. But without the right support, that dream is hard to realize.
The Langara College Foundation cordially invites you to attend Inspiring Stories of Resilience Thursday, May 26, 2022 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Langara College, T Building Gallery, Second Floor, 100 West 49th Ave In partnership with Women Leaders of Tomorrow
Shakila was joined by a panel of speakers from different backgrounds and was moderated by Dr. Gretchen Ferguson. Click here to learn more about each panel speaker.
Marina Musleh at Marefat School with her classmates in Kabul Afghanistan prior to the Taliban takeover
Marina Musleh at the Shawnigan Lake School in Canada after the Taliban takeover
WLOT & Shawnigan Lake School Press Release May 24th, 2022
Shawnigan Lake School and Women Leaders of Tomorrow are delighted to welcome a young leader from Afghanistan to Canada.
Marina arrived safely in Vancouver last week following a courageous journey on her own to Islamabad in Pakistan, where she spent an extended stay of three months waiting for the necessary paperwork to come through. The entire process took nine months. Earlier this week, she reached her final destination at Shawnigan Lake School, a boarding school on Vancouver Island, where she will complete her high school education.
Until recently, Marina was a student of Marefat High School, a school in Afghanistan whose founder, Aziz Royesh, envisioned a modern school that valued gender equality and emphasized math, sciences, and student leadership.
When the Taliban took over the government in August 2021, they immediately banned girls’ education above Grade 6. Marefat High School was closed, forcing Marina and her schoolmates to stay home. Marina was prevented from accessing education, but she didn’t give up. She contacted the founder and Executive Director of Women Leaders of Tomorrow (WLOT), Friba Rezayee, and asked for help to leave Afghanistan so that she could pursue her education.
At the time, Marina was an English student of WLOT. One of the many services this Vancouver-based non-profit organization provides is English language training programs for young women in Afghanistan. Volunteer teachers and tutors from across Canada connect with language learners online. Thanks to WLOT, Marina studied English for nine months with an English teacher and mentor from Newfoundland before arriving in Canada.
Ms. Rezayee recalls a conversation with Marina shortly after the Taliban takeover. “I was devastated when I witnessed my country fall into the hands of the Taliban,” she shares. “I watched it live at 3:30 a.m. PST in my apartment in Vancouver. And I could hardly speak over the phone, but I still needed to call Marina to check that she was okay.”
Marina was very composed. When Ms. Rezayee asked how she was so calm, Marina responded, “I am calm because I am planning to become the first female president of Afghanistan so that I can help to fix this turmoil.”
“The reason that our country fell to a group of armed men is because it is run by uneducated leaders,” she continued over the phone. “You must invest in the youth of Afghanistan if you want to rebuild our country.”
Marina openly shares that she intends to “fight the Taliban with knowledge and education.” She is very excited to start that process through this new journey in Canada, where she will complete her high school education and pursue post-secondary studies.
Ms. Rezayee says that she is grateful to those in Canada who listen to the Afghan girls’ concerns about their education and to Shawnigan Lake School for providing Marina with the opportunity to complete her Grade 11 and 12 years. Marina will now have the chance to become the leader she wants to become.
Earlier this year, Shawnigan Lake School was able to work with the United World College network to help two Afghan girls get through the Taliban checkpoints in Kabul Airport and onto one of the last evacuation flights. They flew to Canada via Germany and settled in Toronto, where they are attending a local public school.
Ms. Rezayee and WLOT contacted Shawnigan Lake School to see if it could help Marina. The Head of School, Richard “Larry” Lamont, and the School were pleased to offer her a full scholarship and are honoured to welcome her as the newest member of their community.
“I am certain it is not the impact that we will have on her but the impact she will have on us – as she introduces us to her culture, her stories and her world,” said Mr. Lamont. “She has demonstrated incredible courage to come here to the other side of the world to continue her education.”
Marina receives an Impact Scholarship offered by Shawnigan Lake School – created to support students from conflict and post-conflict areas. She will be joined over the summer by two students from Ukraine who are leaving the upheaval in their country. Shawnigan Lake School has a strong tradition of taking students from Nepal, a post-conflict country, and has experienced the lasting impact the diversity of these scholars has had on the students and staff at the School over the years.
The School hopes that other schools will be motivated to help so that other girls like Marina can be equipped and empowered as tomorrow’s change leaders.
Women Leaders of Tomorrow is looking for mentors and English language tutors.
The goal is to connect each student with a mentor – someone who will walk with the student on their academic, athleticism, personal journey and make them feel that they have someone in their corner who will listen, provide support, guidance, and champion their academic and life endeavours.
As a mentor, your support can be vital in building a foundation for success that will last beyond these students’ academic and athletic achievements.
If you’re interested please contact us at info@womenleaders.ca. Thank you!
A big shout out to the students for marching through LA Matheson, supporting and amplifying the message of Standing With Afghan Women. #WalkwithAfghanWomen
This is what the ED of Women Leaders of Tomorrow has asked the participants to do to support Afghan women in our darkest hour.
Recognize Afghan Women in their Afghan identity
Hire Afghan Women for the position of power.
Amplify the message any and all ways you can.
Tenacious and strong ” I am done talking, it is time for action” Friba Rezayee
Women Leaders of Tomorrow thanks Ms. Annie Ohana for her incredible work and non stop support for Afghan women and girls.
Women Leaders of Tomorrow is proudly sharing inspiring messages from young Afghan women who are dedicated to women’s education. She says “The path to freedom and advancement for Afghan women is awareness of their freedom and equality through education” – Mahnaz
And “As we progress in our education, we can prioritize our original rights and say no to ignorant minds” – Marina رهبری دختران افغانستان – ردا!
Shine bright like a diamond 💎. Our Judo athlete on the left is a shining star ⭐. She is working tirelessly to break the gender barrier imposed by the Taliban in Afghanistan. She believes in the power of sports for women and Women Leaders of Tomorrow believes in her.
We wish you all the best. Only sky is the limit. رهبری دختران افغانستان – ردا! 🥋💕🇦🇫💪 JUDOs IJF – International Judo Federation @GetUp&Fight
Women Leaders of Tomorrow is a firm believer of women’s education and sports. We have been vocal advocated after the collapse of the Afghan central government last year to the present day. We will continue until justice is served for the Afghan women athletes.
The ED of WLOT Friba Rezayee was invited to describe the current situation of the Afghan women athletes in Afghanistan by DW Deutsche Welle yesterday. She told DW that “The world has forgotten Afghanistan”. Here is the full article: